Chicago Booth MBA program for college seniors

Chicago Booth welcomes college senior's application for admission. Chicago Booth encourages applications from candidates who have less than the average of five years of full-time work experience.
There is no separate program or admissions process for early career candidates, but applications from these students will be reviewed with certain criteria in mind. If you are in your final year of college and thinking about applying to Chicago Booth, you can learn more about the criteria with which Chicago Booth Admissions staff makes decisions about college seniors.

Class Profile

Total Applicants : 4169
Average GMAT Score : 726
Average undergraduate GPA : 3.52
Acceptance rate : 21.9%

Class size : 65

What Chicago Booth looks for Applicants in Their Final Year of College

  • Quality work experience (such as summer internships, full- or part-time work experience or an entrepreneurial spirit).
  • Competitive GPA and GMAT score to evaluate your potential for success in a graduate-level business program, especially with regard to your quantitative and verbal skills.
  • Strong extracurricular involvement or student leadership role(s) during college; Chicago Booth values community involvement, as well as leadership skills.
  • Intellectual curiosity as evidenced by courses taken in college; our belief is that diversity of education makes for a richer classroom experience and Chicago Booth welcomes students from all college or university majors.
  • Strong personal and professional recommendations, including one from an internship supervisor and one from a professor (two letters are required, but three are preferred).
  • Demonstration of the ability to question and engage in the process of learning, and thrive on an academic challenge.
  • Personal maturity as evidenced by recommendations, essays, and the personal interview.
  • You should be able to talk about why you want to get an MBA now. As an early career candidate, it is important to articulate why entering business school prior to obtaining full-time post-graduate work experience makes sense.

Application Deadlines



Decision Notification Date

Round One

January 11, 2018

February 08, 2018

Round Two

February 27, 2018

March 29, 2018

Round Three



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