Interview Experience- Viginia- Darden

Essay Analysis  Interview Expereince

Interview Experience Darden School 1.
I had off-campus MBA personal interview with the Darden Alumnus. The MBA personal interview started with a friendly introduction, followed by following question, my interview preparation was good enough so I replied to miost of the questions mentioned below:
  • Tell me about your life and academics.
  • What you have done with your decisions taken in your life.
  • Why MBA.
  • What you will do with MBA?
  • What are your career goals
  • Why Darden.
  • In which other schools you have applied?
  • Tell us four significant parts of your professional and personal life.
Interview Experience Darden School 2.
I reached Darden Gateway 10 minutes prior to my scheduled time. My MBA personal interview went for 30 minutes and had a very friendly conversation like:
  • Where are you coming from?
  • Kindly share your story with us.
  • How you came to choose your undergrad major and first job?
  • Tell us about an experience where you had to lead a team and make a difficult decision.
  • What was a major accomplishment in your professional or personal life?
  • What are your plans after MBA.
After the interview we had a campus visit and lunch with the professors. Important point: One is being assessed throughout one's visit on campus.
Interview Experience Darden School 3.
I had a very informal session with the Adcom members at Darden. My conversation lasted for 30 - 45 minutes, starting with 'Tell your story'. There were few other questions asked, like:
  • Take us back to your school/college
  • Share something about your Graduation School
  • For how many companies you have worked for? Share few experiences with us.
Here I would like to share that the members were more concerned about the teamwork and leadership roles I had at my job.
  • Why do you want an MBA? Why now?
The school doesn't want to know what exactly you did but an overall idea about your job and your decisions
So, I would suggst you to refer above interview questions for your MBA interview preparation.
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