Teaching Methodology

GMAT Preparation Service Teaching Methodology Register for GMAT About GMAT

GMAT, unlike some other management entrance exams, focuses mainly on examining test taker’s logical thought process while solving a problem and has followed a standardized format over the years. Hence knowing the concepts and short cuts may be important, but they alone are not going to take a test taker too far in GMAT. Therefore, General Education’s GMAT research team has studied the pattern of sample GMAT questions over more than a decade and have decoded GMAT test preparation requirements helping students to score high on GMAT. Our students have benefited a lot from our GMAT tutorials online.
General Education has developed following 5 pronged S.P.A.R.K technique to help the students nail the GMAT test format and achieve a 700+ GMAT score.

  • Strategize – Foundation building through well strategized 40 online classroom deliveries on concepts, course theory, short cuts, GMAT do’s & don’ts
  • Practice- 200+ topic wise examples delivered in class to test and strengthen concepts learned
  • Accelerate- 500+ solved sample GMAT questions of varying difficulty levels, which will take your preparation level above the GMAT threshold requirement
  • Review – 6 full length simulated GMAT mock tests to review your concept strength, speed and durability
  • Kill – A must have 30 min pep talk with a GMAT test expert just 1-2 weeks before your GMAT exam to give you a final boost and strategy capsule to ace the GMAT test.

Mode of Classroom Delivery
GMAT classes are conducted over Cisco WebEx meeting software that features following facilities to enrich the classroom experience of the participants

  • Whiteboard facility – Where participants can use the whiteboard window to type the text and draw schematics
  • Voice chat – Each participant will be equipped with a headphone and mike to listen and speak to the instructor and participate in the classroom
  • Recording of whiteboard and voice – All classes are recorded and shared online to enable the participants to refer later to relevant classroom interaction

Material/Additional facilities provided
General Education will supply the following materials to help students with GMAT preparation online

  • (Questions + Answers + Explanations) to be practiced in each class
  • Additional practice (Questions + Answers + Explanations)
  • Reading material
  • 6 Computer Adaptive Tests
  • Individual doubt clearing sessions with the instructor.
  • Recordings of the classes

Class schedule – Each class will be conducted over the weekends (Saturday and Sunday). The usual class timings are from 10:30 hr to 12:30, but are subject to change based on the request of participants and availability of instructor. This implies full course demands around 8 to 12 weeks.
Total no. of hours ~ 40 hours.

Class Size – Typical online class size is limited to 3-5 participants to provide personalized attention to the participants

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