IIMs Interview Process

IIMs Executive Program IIMs Application Process IIMs Interview Process

IIMs one year MBA course requires minimum experience of 5 years in managerial or executive capacity. The average experience of a class ranges from 9-11 years. Thus the interview is more like a disucussion to help the candidate share his thoughts and experiences rather than a nerve racking test. But as one enjoys this luxury, he needs to provide accountable and logical explanation of his goals, achievements and thought process.

About the panel: The interview panel generally consists of two professors with or without one other invitee.

About the interview: Until 2009, for IIMA interview, candidates were asked to come prepared with a five minutes power point presentation on topics like “Describe a situation from your professional life where, you believe, that you performed above par despite constraints”. The interview would start with a formal introduction followed by the presentation. While the candidate would walk through the presentation the panel would ask related questions.

Sometimes interviewers describe a hypothetical situation and ask candidates to analyze and suggest measures to overcome the situation. One such question was- “There is a girl who did her 2 years PGP from IIMA two years back and was working with an investment bank. Due to recession she lost her job. What do you suggest for her?” As there is no right or wrong answer to this, it requires you to comprehensively analyze the situation, provide a solution and then substantiate it by logic, facts and examples.

Candidates are also asked some questions related to their industry and professional life. Examples of such questions are “What would you like to change in your sector/industry if given an opportunity to do so?” or “What major changes do you perceive in your industry, five years hence?”

Interviewers would also like to know why you are interested in MBA, at this point in life. Hence they might ask questions like” Why do you want to do an MBA if you have been an achiever in your professional life, so far?” or “What do you think that you could not do well as you did not have an MBA degree with you? “If you already have an MBA degree with you, then be prepared to ably sail them through the actual reasons with confidence.

Direct questions based on your academic performance may not be important to the interviewers but some may have slant references to it, such as, “Given an opportunity today, what would you like to change in your academics and why?” or “Do you think that your graduation/PG education has been relevant in your present job?”

General Awareness / Current Affairs related questions constitute a substantial portion of the interview. For instance, in 2008 -09, questions related to subprime, recession & corporate governance were dominant topics in interview.

(All IIMs follow similar process except IIMA which required candidates to prepare a presentation on a given topic, till 2009)

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