Interview Experience - Cranfield

Essay Analysis  Interview Expereince

Few MBA personal interview experiences of the candidates who applied through General Education are mentioned below:

Interview experience 1:

I had my Cranfield interview on 20th. The questions asked during my interview were:

  • Why you want to do an MBA?
  • Why from Cranfield?
  • What should government in your country do to help businesses?
  • Questions on career to date
  • What you might like to do next and how the MBA can help you in that?

Interview experience 2:

My Cranfield interview was scheduled at 8 PM IST. The interview started with jovial welcome and went quite well. The questions asked during my interview were:

  • Who is your favorite business leader and why?
  • What are your views on outsourcing?
  • Discussion on Indian IT industry and how it grew?
  • How Laxmi Mittal is seen as a business tycoon in India?
  • What are the causes of financial crisis and suggest some ways to overcome it?
  • Why you want to do an MBA now?

Interview experience 3:

My telephonic Cranfield interview was lasted for more than half an hour. The interviewer asked the following questions during my MBA personal interview:

  • What leadership qualities you possess?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • If ...... is your weakness, give me an example where this happened and what did you do about it?
  • Why Cranfield ?
  • How did you come to know about Cranfield?
  • Why MBA now?
  • In your opinion, how does Cranfield stand apart from the rest of the MBA schools.
  • What would you gain from your MBA?
  • What is your most significant professional achievement?
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