Indian School of Business

Essay Analysis Interview Tips Interview Expereince

Indian School of Business
Average GMAT Score709GMAT Range600-770
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Class SizeAverage Work Experience60 Months
Applicant DeadlinesR1:20-Sep-2020
Decision DatesRolling admissions
Length of Program12 MonthsPlacement Information

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Note: ISB Essays 2017-18 remains the same as previous year and there’s no additional essay required for the re-applicants.

ISB Essays Questions 2018-19 (For Class of 2019):

Essay Question – 1:

At ISB we value diversity as it enhances both the in-class and out of class learning experience. Tell us how would you contribute to the same?

Essay Question – 2:

Enrolling in a Business School is an important career decision. Critically look at your career to date, the choices you have made, the key influences behind those choices, your goals for the future and how do you think ISB's PGP can help you in achieving your goals?

ISB Essays Questions 2017-18 (For Class of 2018):

Essay Question – 1:

If we were to admit just One more candidate to the Postgraduate Programme (PGP) at the ISB, why should it be you?(400 words max)

The objective of this essay is to gauge the value-add the candidate will do to the classroom, peer group and enhance the value of ISB community at large.The candidate must showcase his/her individuality demonstrating how it stands out and differentiated from the rest by highlighting one’s accomplishments, which reflect qualities of leadership potential, problem solving skill, perseverance etc. A direct link between the qualities one choose and ISB’s academic or non-academic resources elaborating how exactly he/she will contribute to experiences of the student body has to be substantiated. For instance,

  • An HR professional can help CAS (Placement committee) in organizing Pre-placement talks and campus interviews for the school in a smooth manner.
  • An Economics or Finance major can take part in leading Finance club and driving its activities

Thisis the platform for the applicants to best persuade the admissions committee of their worthiness from their personal/professional experiences. Key qualities/traits looked at are penchant to learn, management ability, leadership quality, initiative, collaborative mindset, and achievement orientation.

Other points to be considered for this essay

  • Given that it’s a 400 word limit essay, one can articulate 2-3 attributes with examples.
  • The experiences should focus be more on impact, challenges, learnings, showcasing drive – pushing the limits and challenging the norm with determination.
  • Can write about something significant/ consistent extracurricular (Quizzing, Social Work, Sports) which one is truly passionate about and can speak volumes about and how he/she can contribute to the various professional and social clubs of ISB.
  • Good if there is a demonstrated consistent upward trajectory of the aspect being mentioned.
  • Not to repeat the mere facts which are covered in other part of the application unless there is a need to elaborate in this essay.

Essay Question – 2

Describe your your short and long term career plans. How does the PGP fit in with those? (300 words max)

The purpose of this essay is gauge the clarity of goals and purpose of an MBA. The applicant has to weave a compelling theme that suits his/her career vision with gaps identified between one’s previous professional experiences and future goals and it should all be knit very logically with an MBA from ISB serving as a bridge. While articulating how ISB fits the whole scheme of things, he/she has to be specific about the industry and type of role looking forward to immediately after graduation from ISB. It is very important from perspective of both the Admission & Career advancement councils of ISB, as they bear big onus of placing 900+ students.

Key things evaluated are

  • How the candidate has developed this goal?
  • Why it appeals to him/her?
  • How ISB PGP will contribute to achieve the stated goals?
  • Is the applicant prepared well enough?

Other points to be considered for this essay

  • Can mention some of the uniqueofferings of ISB that would be relevant to his/her aspiration.
    • How ‘One year MBA’ suits your career (Stating its benefits)
    • Extensive ISB Networking opportunities
    • Faculty model, academic services
    • Professional and Social Clubs – Picking one or two clubs
    • Specific electives, ELP and FIRP
    • Industry Specialization – Healthcare/Manufacturing/Public Policy
  • Mention of personal interaction with the school’s alumni, ISB’s Information sessions, do highlight– Has to be justified if asked during interview
  • Avoidance of general mention of great faculty, interactive classes, good peer group, etc
  • Particularly applicants with 8+ years of work-ex has to justify a clear career path with methodical explanation of career progression from the present to the planned future

Essay Question – 3 (Optional)

Please use this space to provide any other information not covered elsewhere in the application that could significantly impact your candidature at ISB.

Note: It isnotnecessary for you to write this essay. Please use this space only if there is something really significant that you would like us to know.(200 words max)

ISB Essay Questions 2015-16(for Class of 2017):

Essay 1: If we were to admit just one more student, make a compelling argument as to why that student should be you by describing a (only one) challenging experience you’ve had in your personal / professional life. How were you tested? What did you do that sets you apart from others? What did you learn? (up to 400 words)

Analysis:Candidate should grab this opportunity to highlight a challenging experience. A special mention should be made as to why the applicant thinks that the situation was challenging (e.g. did the situation demand going against certain personality/behavioral traits, values, professional ethics, norms?). The underlying theme of this essay is to see what unique traits a candidate brings to the table by looking at his/her logical yet creative thinking. One should also mention few takeaways from this experience and conclude by talking about how the learning could benefit his/her peer group.

Essay 2: Describe a (only one) defining moment in your personal / professional life when you had to make a risky decision, and explain what you did and why? (up to 300 words)

Analysis:Risk, by its definition, means uncertainty or probability of danger. The candidate should emphasize on a life event where s(he) was exposed to a vulnerability and how s(he)approached this situation. If possible, quantify the risk. One should focus on one's ability to take calculated risks by talking about a well-laid down path. What were the alternatives and which was chosen, how the problem was broken down, what were the milestones/controlling mechanisms put in place and how was the success/failure defined? are some questions that one should be thinking of while writing this essay. Another important aspect that one may like to touch upon is the stakeholder buy-in since risky decisions do involve some bit of convincing others who are directly impacted by its outcome.

Essay 3: What are your post-MBA career plans and how will your past experiences and the Indian School of Business programme contribute to taking you there? (up to 300 words)

Analysis:This essay gives an opportunity to the candidate to define his/her career (short+long) goals and be clear about what s/he is looking to achieve professionally. One should showcase one's long-term planning abilities to achieve his/her career goals and mention about how ISB would fit in the scheme of things (you may like to talk about specific courses/clubs).

Essay 4 Optional: Please use this space to: Explain any career breaks / provide any other information not covered elsewhere in the application that could significantly impact your candidature at ISB. Note: It is not necessary to write this essay. Please use this space only if there is something really significant that you would like us to know. (up to 200 words)

Analysis:If you do attempt to write this essay, then please choose max. of 2 pieces of additional information not highlighted anywhere in the above essays. This information should bring out your versatility.

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