DUKE FUQUA School of Busines Masters of Management


  • Recent Graduate
  • Online Application
  • Transcripts
  • Essays
  • Resume
  • Recommendation Letters
  • $100 Application Fee (waivers available)

Class Profile:

Class of MMS 2017

Class Size


Avg. Age

23 yrs.

Avg. GMAT score


Working Exp.

< 6 months



International Citizenship


Avg. Undergraduate GPA


Application Deadlines:

Application Deadlines





Program Overview:

Start Date


Program Duration

10 months

No. of courses


Extensive Recruiting & Career Programming


Each MMS student brings his/her unique passions to the program. When combined with business skills, these passions help you to launch a successful career and become a more well-rounded professional. The admissions committee would like to learn more about both your personal and professional motivations, and how you plan to contribute to the diversity of passions found at Fuqua. Respond to the following application questions and essays to allow us to get to know you better.

3 Short answer questions and 2 essays are required for all applicants.

Required Short Answer Questions

Answer all three questions. Respond in 250 characters only (the equivalent of about 50 words per question).

1. Why are you pursuing the MMS degree at this stage in your professional development?

2. What are your immediate career goals after completing the MMS program?

3. Life is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating a career requires you to be adaptable. Should the immediate goals that you provided above not materialize, what alternative directions have you considered?

Required Essay Questions

Answer both essay questions.
Essay 1: Respond fully and concisely, in 2 pages or less. Use a font size no less than 10-point, with 1.5 line spacing.
Question: A significant part of the MMS experience will be honing your ability to work effectively within a diverse team. In a professional, volunteer, extracurricular, or academic setting, describe how you overcame a challenging situation within a team. What did you learn about yourself from this experience and how will you use this insight while working in teams at Fuqua?
Essay 2
Present your response in list form, numbered from 1 - 25. Some points may only be a few words, while others may be longer. Your complete list should not exceed 2 pages.
Question: The "Team Fuqua" spirit and community is one of the things that set the Fuqua experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. When a new person joins the Admissions Team, we ask that person to share with everyone in the office a list of "25 Random Things About Yourself." As an Admissions team, we already know the new hire's professional and academic background, so learning these "25 Random Things" helps us to get to know someone's personality, background, special talents, and more.
Scholarship Essay
The scholarship essay is required for consideration for merit-based scholarships. Respond fully and concisely in 1 page or less, using 1.5 line spacing and a font size of no less than 10-point.
Essay Question: "Team Fuqua" describes the essence of the student culture at The Fuqua School of Business. A Fuqua student is successful when he/she inspires and supports the success of others. We value diverse thought and collaboration. Thus, we award merit scholarships based on commendable performance in academics, work, extracurricular activities and what a student can uniquely contribute to our diverse learning environment describe the ways you fit this criteria.
Optional Essay
If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders or lack of a professional recommendation, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, significant weakness in your application). Do NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The Optional Essay is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your extenuating circumstances only.
Re-applicant Essay
An additional essay is required for re-applicants. Respond in 2 pages or less.
Essay Question: It is not uncommon for it to take more than one try to achieve a goal. Please share with us the self-reflection process that you underwent after last year's application and how you have grown as a result. How did it shape your commitment to Fuqua and inspire your decision to reapply?
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