Interview Experience - McDonough

Essay Analysis  Interview Expereince

Mcdonough business school interview experience 1-

I recentlycompleted my MBA personal interview for Georgetown university in Seoul. The interview was with Ms. Lori Winters (Assistant Director, ADCOM).The questions asked were somewhat different from the ususal expected ones. However, i was able to answer them properly.

Below is a list of the questions asked. I do not remember all the questions, but here's a few that i can recall.

1. Tell me something unique that you found out about a different culture. Why was it unique for you?

2. Tell me about an unpopular decision you took at work. why did you take this decision and what was the outcome?

3. Tell me about a conflict you had with a co-worker and how did you resolve it?

4. Follow up question to number 3; What was the difference in opinion between you and your co-worker? what mutual understanding did you come to?

5. Tell me about a time when you had to influence someones decision. what was the scenario and how did you influence the decision?

These are a few of the questions that i remember. None of the generic questions such as Why MBA? Why McDonough? Why now? etc. were asked.

Overall I am happy with the MBA personal interview.

Mcdonough business school interview experience 2-

My MBA personal interview was held on campus. My Mcdonough business school interview experience was quiet good, my interview went on for about 30 minutes, and then asked my interviewer few questions. The interviewer was a second year student of McDonough b-school; it was held in a small conference room and was very relaxed, casual discussion. Most of the questions were general questions followed up by more specific questions after I gave my response. I dressed in formal attire; one good thing is that I got enough time to prepare for this interview.

Mcdonough business school interview experience, questions asked: Why did you choose Georgetown for MBA? Brief about a challenging project you had, how you dealt with it, and results. What are your short and long terms goals?

I can say the MBA personal interview pressure might have been lessened by being interviewed by a current student, but I enjoyed the fact that my interviewer was almost a peer and someone who I could ask questions to that could relate to me. Also, I didn't feel nervous to have another student taking my interview. My interviewer was also briefly explained me about her experiences from a student perspective, what she thought of faculty, classes, the environment, etc.

McDonough Interview experience – 3

My interview was off campus interview with one of the the Director of Admissions, McDonough Business school she travelled to participate in an MBA information session, Interviews were scheduled throughout the day prior to the evening's information session. I was well prepared for this interview and got enough time to prepare as well, although the interview was with one of the adcom members at McDonough b-school, but it was relaxed, my interviewer put me at ease and I felt very comfortable during the interview session. The interview went on for nearly 45 minutes.

McDonough Interview questions:

Most of my Initial questions were general and common questions which were focused on my thought process to apply to business school, why I decided to apply to Georgetown McDonough, what special attributes did I have to offer the community, and subsequent questions were follow-up questions on my replies, she asked if I had any questions for her, and then I asked few of my own queries regarding the school.

McDonough interview tips: So generally in B-school interviews it’s important to stay relaxed and be yourself -- the whole point of an interview is to brief about whatever you have in your application, finally it was wonderful interview experience for me.

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