Interview Tips - Ross

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Interview pattern at ROSS


Ross offers a broad management education with emphasis on leadership. The Ross difference is action-based learning. Ross claims to be committed to an approach to business education that goes beyond studying cases.

Action-Based Learning

Action-based learning is an approach to business education that requires Ross to continuously create relevant, challenging ways to connect our students with the world of practice.It informs how the faculty teach, the way our students interact with one another, and how Ross thinks about leadership. Ross's Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAP) is the most distinctive of the action-based learning programs. It's an approach to education that looks beyond problem solving to opportunity sensing. It asks you to apply both analytical rigor and your imagination. It asks you to take a leadership role in customizing your own Ross experience.

Ross Leadership Initiative (RLI)

Leadership in business requires the ability to process information quickly, articulate a compelling vision, make effective decisions, and mobilize an organization to act in the face of challenges presented by an ever-changing global business landscape. But that's just the start. Ross's goal is to prepare you to lead globally diverse teams, consider the role of business in society, and build organizational cultures that foster innovation. Throughout the 20-month MBA program, Ross Leadership Initiative supplements classroom learning by providing a set of experiences and explorations that will help you understand your own strengths and develop into an effective leader.

Michigan Ross Interview tips and MBA personal interview question:

Ross MAB personal interview generally lasts about 30-45 mins. Some common Michigan Ross interview tips and interview questions:

  • Why MBA? Why now?
  • Why Ross
  • Walk thru the resume
  • Describe your leadership experience at your work place?
  • Describe a situation where you had to make a tough decision?
  • Describe a situation where some one in your group was against the decision you made? How did you solve this difficult situation? And what did you learn?
  • What do you do outside of work?
  • How do you plan to contribute to the student body at Ross?

Actual narration from an off campus alumnus interview questions:

  • He told me about his background and asked about mine...
  • My short term and long term career goals and why was I pursuing an MBA...
  • My role at IBM... and my experience of leading a team on my current project...
  • How do I handle the communications with the clients and going about customer satisfaction.....? Then we talked more about my role and whether I was involved on the business side of things... (For those who don't know... I have a technical background...) he discussed about his role as a consultant and shared his experiences...
  • How I had managed a situation when a team member or my peer was not performing well...
  • A time when I had faced a setback in my workplace or my under graduation...
  • We talked about Why Ross... and what appealed to me about Ross...
  • What would I add to Ross...?
  • What extra-curricular... Communities I would like to get involved at Ross...

Telephonic MBA personal interview for Ross:

This was a phone interview usually requires candidate to email his resume first. You will have to call up the number provided and the interviewer might answer the phone directly. It might start with a light talk like some small talk about the weather and then diving right in. The standard tell-me-your-story question might be one of the first ones. You will have to talk through your background, professional history and career change. Then, why MBA/why now type questions can come up. Next question could be why do you think Ross will fit into your plans? You might want to talk about the MAP program and their focus on collaborative learning. One of the hardest questions can be "So it seems like you've been effective at leading a number of organizations throughout your career. What do you think has made you such an effective leader?" You might want to prepare for these kinds of questions. At the end you will have the opportunity to ask a few Ross questions: Why your interviewer picked Ross (fit, teamwork), what he liked best about the school, what he thought could improve (Career Services for smaller companies), and what he thought about the transitional period until the new building (ok since they are in the EMBA building). Overall it would be a pleasant interview and little preparation can make it a very satisfying experience. People who find phone interview to be awkward have the option to do an on-campus interview. The total time can be again 30-45 minutes.

What NEXT ?

Get the comprehensive guidance on how to ace the MBA persoal interview from MBA Alumni members or MBA admissions consultants, who have been on both sides of the table and who know what it takes to scale the summit

We offer three services to help candidates prepare for one of the most important components of their MBA application, the MBA personal interview.

MBA Comprehensive Interview Preparation
  • Discussing candidate's background, profile, career plans and interests and getting the list of schools (limited to two) to which the candidate wants the interview preparation service from the MBA admission consultants.
  • Discussing with the candidate, the most suitable answers to the likely questions to be asked in the interview of a particular school, given the candidate's profile and career plans.
  • Two Mock Interviews after the candidate is well prepared with the answers to the suggested questions.
  • Detailed feedback on the interviews performance and suggested answers
  • All discussions will be done either by emails or over the phone. Mock interviews will be over Phone or Skype /G-Talk /Yahoo Talk by mba admission consultants.
  • Personal sessions possible if the candidate is in Delhi/Bangalore/Paris/Boston/London.

MBA Standard Interview Preparation
  • Discussing candidate's background, profile, career plans and interests and getting the list of schools (limited to one) to which the candidate wants the interview preparation service.
  • Discussing with the candidate, the most suitable answers to the likely questions to be asked in the mba personal interview of a particular school, given the candidate's profile and career plans.
  • One Mock Interview after the candidate is well prepared with the answers to the suggested questions.
  • Detailed feedback on the interview performance and suggested answers
  • All discussions will be done either by emails or over the phone. Mock interviews will be over Phone or Skype /G-Talk /Yahoo Talk.
  • Personal sessions possible if the candidate is in Delhi/Bangalore/Paris/Boston/London for Michigan Ross interview tips.

Mock Interview
  • One 45 minutes long mock interview with the candidate for a B-School of his/her choice. Candidate would send us in advance, his/her resume and some notes on his/her background and career plans via mail with the mba admission consultants.
  • The interview would contain questions most likely to be asked in the MBA interview for the mentioned school, given the candidate's profile and career interests.
  • Detailed feedback on the interview performance and suggested answers.
  • Mock interviews will be over Phone or Skype/G-Talk/Yahoo Talk.
  • Personal sessions possible if the candidate is in Bangalore/ Paris/ Boston/ Londonfor Michigan Ross interview tips.
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