Summer Programs

Summer Programs are short duration management programs that are generally offered to undergraduate students and/or adult professionals and are often sponsored by a school or a private company. The program activities are offered during the summer months and they provide an opportunity to experience college life during the summer.

These program give candidates business education experience which may not be available within their day-to-day schooling or work life. Undergraduate candidates can prepare for future internships, build business acumen and understand business environment while senior professionals can infuse a new vitality to their leadership and managerial style.

Summer programs are offered on the same campus as full-time programs and may also provide accommodation in their premises. Courses are taught by world-renowed faculty, industry experts and alumni.

To apply to these programs, candidates usually require teacher’s/manager's recommendation, application essays and test scores. General Education provides end-to-end solutions if you are interested in applying. Contact us today!

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