University of Maryland Smith School of Business

University of Maryland Smith School of Business
Average GMAT Score640GMAT Range580-700
Total Applicants

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Acceptance Rate

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Class Size187Average Work Experience63 Months
Applicant DeadlinesR1:01-Jan-1970
Decision DatesR1:01-Jan-1970
Length of Program21 MonthsPlacement Information

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Required Essays:

Essay-1.What are your specific post-graduate short-term and long-term goals? How will a graduate degree from the Robert H. Smith School of Business assist you in achieving your goals? Finally, please discuss your personal and professional motivations for pursuing a graduate degree. Please limit your response to 2 pages, double-spaced.

Essay-2Choose one of the two essays below:
  • Identify an economic crisis that needs to be addressed. If you were a leader tasked to solve this crisis, what would your approach be to resolve this situation?
  • If you could be the leader of an organization, what organization would you choose, and why? What changes would you make to enhance the organization and what current strategies would you retain?
Optional Essay:
Please use this essay to provide the admissions committee with additional information that will assist us in evaluating your candidacy (for example, an explanation for gaps in employment history or an undergraduate grade point average that is less than 3.0). If you are a reapplicant, you can also use this essay to highlight changes in your application from last year
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