UCLA Anderson MBA for College Seniors

UCLA Anderson School of Management now ranks among the top-tier business schools in the world. An award-winning faculty renowned for research and teaching, highly selective admissions, successful alumni and world-class facilities combine to provide an extraordinary learning environment, located at Los Angeles, California.

UCLA Anderson encourages recent college graduates who are ready to pursue their MBA at UCLA Anderson to apply. It is important for college seniors to assess their own readiness when deciding to apply. Recent college graduates who have exceptional academic records and GMAT scores, as well as strong leadership in college are admitted to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.

The Admissions Committee members carefully consider personal and academic background information, GMAT scores, TOEFL scores (for most international applicants), achievements, awards and honors, employment history, letters of recommendation, and college and community involvement, especially where candidates have served in leadership capacities. The Admissions Committee seeks to create a community of students who bring unique contributions from their diverse backgrounds and experiences and who will collectively enrich the educational experience.

UCLA Anderson does grant admission deferrals for those applicants admitted directly from undergraduate programs as part of the Early Career Outreach Initiative. Admitted college seniors may choose to work and thus defer admission for up to two years. Such students should communicate their plans to the Admissions Committee and must submit a short renewal application before the final application deadline for the intended year of enrollment.

Class Profile 2017 class

Applications received: 3290
Class size : 360
GPA Range : 3.2 - 3.8
GMAT range : 680 - 750
Average GMAT : 715

Application Deadlines



Decision released


October 06,2016

December 15, 2016


January 05, 2017

March 29, 2017


April 12, 2017

May 24, 2017


One essay is required, in written form only. One optional essay may also be submitted to supply information on extenuating circumstances.

First Time Applicants — One Required Essay

We believe that the best results are achieved when you share success, think fearlessly and drive change. With this in mind, what are your goals at UCLA Anderson and in your short-term and long-term career? (750 words maximum)

Optional Essay:

The following essay is optional. No preference is given in the evaluation process to applicants who submit an optional essay. Please note that we only accept written essays.

Are there any extenuating circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware? Please use your best judgment. (250 words maximum)

Re-applicants — One Required Essay

Reapplicants who applied for the MBA program start in 2015 or 2016 are required to complete the following essay:

Please describe your career progress since you last applied and ways in which you have enhanced your candidacy. Include updates on short-term and long-term career goals, as well as your continued interest in UCLA Anderson. (750 words maximum)

Please note:
Your essays are the primary way for you to share your perspectives and plans with the admissions committee. The best essays are introspective, genuine and succinct in directly answering our questions and responding to our topics.

  • » You should try to distinguish yourself by showing what makes you different from others who share similar profiles.
  • » Personal expression is what we are looking for, not platitudes.
  • » Making a strong case for your future plans requires you to first do research on career paths and find one that resonates. Even if this target will change during business school, your application essays should lay out a clear trajectory for short-term and long-term goals. Do this by demonstrating how you expect to build on skills from your past, and those you expect to gain from the MBA.
  • » Essays are more compelling if they include specific courses, programs, groups, opportunities, activities, etc. from which you would benefit, if admitted to UCLA Anderson. These references are best found through website research, personal discussions and a campus visit (if possible).
  • » Content and clarity are key elements, as we seek superior communication skills.
  • » Style is a consideration, too, although we understand that those who speak other languages may have different manners of expression in English. We do check your essays for plagiarism, so make sure you always submit your own work.
  • » Length does not equal strength. A well-written short essay can have even more impact than a longer essay. Please try to respect the word limits indicated above.
  • » All essay responses are to be entrered directly in the text box provided in your application.
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