Yale University - Yale School of Management

Yale University - Yale School of Management
Average GMAT Score730GMAT Range690-760
Total Applicants

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Acceptance Rate

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Class Size322Average Work Experience68 Months
Applicant DeadlinesR1:14-Sep-2021
Decision DatesR1:03-Dec-2021
Length of Program21 MonthsPlacement Information

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In class size of 226, 28% are international applicants. The school has strong alumni strength and it gives a scope to the newly joined candidate for interacting with 50+ student clubs. For being a part of this strong network the applicant should fulfill the requirements of application procedure with the submission of 2 Letters of Recommendations and Four Mandatory / One Optional Essays. To be part of this unique learning experience, showcase your diverse background with your professional and academic excellence, your interpersonal skills and leadership qualities thorough your application essays and interview. To secure an admit among tough competitors, you need the able guidance of an experienced professional who will help you in bringing out your best.

General Education is a group of thorough experienced professionals compounded with profound professional capabilities of guiding applicants to write impressive and successful B-School applications. So we would believe that we help you in your journey towards your dream B-School. We look forward to working with you to help you realize your professional aspirations

For more details log on to:www.som.yale.edu

We have always advised candidates to write about their career progression, short term and long term goals, Why MBA, Why Now and Why School in the standard goal essay. Yale has made is even more specific by giving dedicated word limit and asking these questions explicitly. Hmm... That might take some competitive advantage away from our followers bit don't worry. We have more to offer tailor made for Yale!!

We have also advised candidates and our clients in past to use innovative structures for the standard goal essay because by nature it's a pretty bland essay. Again that liberty is not available here since you have 150 words to answer a specific question. So, we recommend that you go on to answer these questions in the order asked with compelling arguments are suggested below.

Key points for Yale Business School:

  • Yale business school was founded in 1701, and it is more than 300 years old.
  • Yale business school president Richard C.Levin is one of the highest paid university president in US with a 2008 salary of $1.5million.
  • Yale business school stretch with both domestic and international. It members with its hometown of New Haven, Connecticut to enhance the city’s economy and community.
  • Yale business school is more than an institution for higher learning, it a community of diverse cultures peoples and nationalities work, live, and play.
  • Yale business school is a largest university in US with a wide array of programs, classes, university centers, museums and so forth.
  • Yale University campus is dotted with artwork like Alexander Calder’s “Lollipop and Gallows and situated 90mintues from New York in the city of New Haven.

Yale School of Management Application Essay 2017-18

Essay : Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words)

Yale Essay Questions 2015-16

Essay 1: The Yale School of Management educates individuals who will have deep and lasting impact on the organizations they lead. Describe how you have positively influenced an organization as an employee, a member, or an outside constituent.(500 Words maximum)

Yale Essay Questions 2013-14

Essay 1: What motivates your decision to pursue an MBA? (300 words maximum)

Essay 2: What motivates you to apply to the Yale School of Management for your MBA? What will you contribute to Yale and Yale SOM? (450 words maximum)

Optional Information( For Re-applicants)

If any aspect of your candidacy needs further explanation, please provide the additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. You should use this section only if the information is not adequately captured elsewhere in your application. Re-applicants should use this space to indicate how your candidacy has changed since you last applied. (200 words maximum)

Yale Class of 2016 Updates:

1) Yale has eliminated the English language test requirement (IELTS/TOEFL/Pearson Test of English) for students who have graduated from non English speaking universities.

2) Yale is also incorporating the video questions into the application process.

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