IIMs Executive Programs Overview

IIMs Executive ProgramIIMs Application ProcessIIMs Interview Process

All leading IIMs are offering one year full time Executive Programs, termed as Executive MBAs for the aspirants having substantial work experience with demonstrated skills in their domain. Here is the synopsis of all such courses being offered presently by the IIMs in India:


Minimum Experience

Application Open

Application Deadline
IIM APGPX5-7 yearsR1: 27-Aug-2019 | R2: 27-Oct-2019R1: 09-Sep-2019 | R2: 09-Nov-2019
IIM B EPGP4.7 yearsR1: 29-Aug-2019 | R2: 28-Nov-2019R1: 29-Sep-2019 | R2: 15-Dec-2019
IIM CPGPEX5 yearsR1: 15-Sep-2019 | R2: 15-Nov-2019 Round 1 – Second half of September 2019
Round 2 – Second half of November 2019
IIM LIPMX6 yearsR1: 15-July-201R1: 31-Oct-2019
IIM IndoreEPGP5 yearsR1: For GMAT 15-Dec-2019 For CAT 15-Jan-2019R1: For GMAT 07-Jan-2020 For CAT 23-Feb-2020

IIMs Full Time Programs Admissions Process:

Dynamics of application of one of the India's more prestigious and coveted B-Schools is changing fast as the top institutions are aligning themselves to more interactive and global admission process. IIMs are shifting their focus from just CAT to knowing the candidate more personally. That is why most of the IIMs are now resorting to the time tested global B-School admission process' writing MBA application essays. Through essays IIMs intend to gauge the candidate about his goals, about his written verbal communication and knowing a candidate more intuitively than through various reasoning and verbal question that are thrown in CAT.

Following is the admission criteria that are applied by various IIMs regarding essays:
Stage - 1:
All candidates who will secure minimum section wise and aggregate percentile scores in CAT are first short listed.
The admissions process involves the assessment of the candidate by an interview panel, which will conduct the following:

  • Written Ability Test (of 10 - 15 minutes duration)
  • Group Discussion (on a given topic for 20 minutes),
  • Personal Interview

In some of the IIMs, students are selected for the next round of admission procedure i.e. GD, PI along with essay writing. Essay writing is gaining importance in the admission criteria of IIMs. IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Indore IIM Lucknow and IIM Kozhikode conduct written ability test or essay writing. While writing essays for IIMs, the main concern is the time limit. Not all IIMs hold all three components but they do conduct at least two of these.

Please contact us at customercare@general-ed.com to know more about how we can help you for IIM Application essay writing and reviewing.

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